Monday, January 21, 2013


I've been a mama blogger since 2006 (A Boxer and a Baby and Curious and Furious).  My kids (a 4.5 year old son and a 6 year old daughter), my husband (the Tofu King!), and my job (I'm a college professor) keep me busy, but lately I've been spending a little more time letting the creative juices flow.  This is a new space for me to share my thrift store scores (I really am a thrift store junkie), the stuff I sew (I'm still learning... and I use an ancient machine I call Big Bertha), and all of the stuff I happen to make along the way (food, drinks, arts and crafts, birthday party paraphernalia... you just never know with me!).  I'm sure my husband and kids and chickens and garden (and always too many photos of all of the above) will make their way onto the pages here, but this is a space for me to share my creative impulses.  It's a bit of an experiment really!  We shall see what comes next...

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