If ever you happen to be invited to come to our house on Valentine's day (or any day in February for that matter), you should say, emphatically, "HELL TO THE NO!" Because if you do come, you'll get more than a heart bracelet and some pretty sugar cookies... you'll get GERMS... lots of them. I actually did not plan a Valentine's day party this year, but it just so happened that we were helping out a couple of friends with childcare so I figured
surely we could have a little valentine's day fun! And we did have a grand time, but then Mr. Aden woke up later that night with a fever (of course!). So our little friends got a little more than they bargained for. What can I say... we're givers!
And here is the little germ sharing villain...
P.S. His mustache was attached to a dum dum... how cute is that for a simple valentine?! The other favorite valentine we received was a whoopee cushion (with a note that said, "Whoopee... It's Valentine's Day!"). By the way, whoopee cushions are absolutely hilarious for the four to six year old set!! And an ingenious way to share and spread germs ;)
P.P.S. The heart bracelet idea came from here!
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