to smell the roses (and zinnias)...
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Carrot cupcakes...
I gave my boy the choice of a blueberry pie or carrot cupcakes to celebrate his birthday (his actual party isn't until next week, but that just means two chances for cake in my book!). He chose carrot cupcakes and I was very happy to make something so special with the carrots from our garden... and we had just enough for the recipe! It was a good way to honor the birthday boy (especially since he helped me plant the carrots)...
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Kuplink, kuplank, kuplunk...
A friend let us in on a well kept secret this week... a little homestead with a corner blueberry patch just down the road from where we live! They have just recently started to open it up for public picking ($2/pound... organic!). We went twice this week and have frozen a couple gallons, eaten a gallon or so, and today, I even tried to make some blueberry jam.
On our second trip, we pulled over 11 pounds of berries so I decided to try some jam. I wasn't quite up for a full on canning situation and didn't have any pectin on hand so I found a recipe that seemed easy and didn't require much in terms of equipment or skill (found here). I made four little jars of jam... I froze three and we'll see how long the one in the refrigerator lasts... yum!!
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
The countdown...
Sunday, July 21, 2013
All done...
Way back in March, we sanded and painted our home's window trim (remember?!). This weekend, we finally replaced the ugly/worn out/crappy trim around the doors, painted the trim and door jams, and painted all of the exterior doors (inside and out)... woohoo!! The color I chose for the doors is growing on me (it's called almost black and I expected it to be more charcoal and less purple... but somehow I think it works... at least for now... and it is amazing what a fresh coat of paint does no matter what the color!!). I'm so happy that this project is all done! It is so deeply satisfying to finish a project... especially one that dragged on a bit. I plan to spend a whole lot of time in the next few days sitting on the patio... basking in the results of our labor.
Friday, July 19, 2013
Summer garden ups and downs...
A combination of heat and flea beetles took a toll on my poor beans, chard, and cucumber plants. I had to take out the beans and chard completely and I'm hoping the cucumbers recover. Summer gardening is hard. I feel like the garden reflects my own aversion to the heat and humidity. Things turn brown, the pests move in... and then I throw my hands up in the air in complete exasperation. I want to raise a white flag. Then I harvest a big bowl of tasty green beans (before pulling the plants out) and realize there is a nice bunch of carrots ready to be harvested. I still can't seem to manage to grow healthy tomato plants, but a few are still looking pretty good (fingers crossed). And I can always hold out hope for the pepper plants... the peppers always seem to come through my summer garden unscathed...
Monday, July 15, 2013
In the garden...
We left a hot and dry climate... and returned to a jungle! The garden seems to have enjoyed the non-stop rain of late and the tomato plants seem poised to take over the world! I'm just hoping their vigorous (unruly) growth translates into some tasty, ripe tomatoes... fingers and toes crossed! The herbs are happy and I harvested a boatload of beans and carrots upon my return. Unfortunately, the snails have moved in... but fortunately, the chickens love to eat them... shells and all! Who knew?! We had such a good trip, but I am very happy to have my hands back in the dirt of my little garden...
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Heading home...
We had to get up super super early to catch our flight back east... and after three weeks of non-stop adventures, we were all pretty tired! The kids watched movies the whole way home... that only seemed fair. With both of them plugged in, I had time to make a few little thank you notes. I'm so grateful for a safe and fun-filled trip... and also that we made it home safe and sound!
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
On the trail...
Photos are interesting. If you were to simply look at the collection below, you might surmise that we enjoyed a beautiful hike in the mountains! But you would be wrong. These photos were captured after abandoning a hike due to two very cranky children pitching fits. As we slowly made our way back to the car, I had lots of time to stop and snap. The camera helped me keep my cool when one (or the other) refused to take another step. Looking at them a few hours later makes me smile... we might not have made it to the end of the trail, but we did get out into some gorgeous scenery, no?!
Friday, July 5, 2013
Small town parade...
There is something a little bit magical about a small town fourth of July parade... or "march" as my kid calls it...
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Sweet ride...
One of my favorite things about our stay at Sunriver was cruising along endless bike paths on a sweet ride! Our house came with a few old bikes we could use during our stay... and I kind of fell in love with "my" adorable blue bicycle (just look at those handle bars!). She was a dreamy ride! You can be sure I'll be on the lookout for one of these to come into my life back home...
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Central Oregon...
After our quick trip to the coast, we headed up into the mountains of central Oregon for another change of scenery...
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