I put a whole lot of work into our little garden... and we get some lovely, fresh produce in return. We get enough beans for a meal or two... enough carrots to add to a stir fry or make a carrot cake with... enough lettuce and greens for salads. Each little veggie we pull from our little garden is celebrated (which probably means that my garden doesn't really produce a whole heck of a lot). We have a small space and I've gone for variety. This way I can count on getting something here or there... and I'm learning a lot about the art of growing food (one little beat or onion at a time). I really can't even comprehend those who grow enough to really feed a family or those who have grown so much of something that they can freeze it or save it for later in the season... it truly boggles my mind (I admire them so)! Someday, with a lot more experience under my belt, I'll be more focused on production, but for now, I'm really happy to watch a pot of herbs and a few tomatoes turn into a special meal. I'm glad that my kids are learning to love veggies that they've helped plant and tend and harvest. I'm grateful for the quiet moments I find in the garden... just watching things grow (and snapping photos). The garden, for me, is so much more than the food is makes (though the food it makes is awfully tasty!!).

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