A very dear friend is having a baby in a few weeks so I am putting together a "post-partum care package". When I was pregnant with my first, a family friend gave me a bag of "stuff I'd need but didn't know I'd need"! Those early days after giving birth were such a blur but I can remember being very grateful for the items she had selected. Since then, I've tried to put together similar packages for friends who are on the cusp of motherhood. This morning when I was at the store, I called two friends because I wasn't sure if I'd forgotten something... it has been a few years since I put one of these together and many more since I was in those tender days just after birth. I realized I might forget the specifics so I wanted to write it all down to make sure I remember the essential supplies!
Here is what I included:
- box of super absorbent pads (preferably organic and non-scented to prevent skin irritation).
- bottle of Witch Hazel (you can pour this on the pads and then freeze them to provide cool, soothing relief for the lady parts).
- bottle of glycerin suppositories (just in case the mama needs help with those first few bowl movements... ouch).
- Tucks medicated cooling pads (hemorrhoids are a fact of life post-partum... and these are helpful in lots of other ways too).
- Lansinoh cream (to soothe and protect nipples when mama and baby are getting the hang of nursing).
- facial cleansing towelettes (for days when a shower isn't an option but you still want to clean up a bit... a little boost for morale!).
- a nice lip balm (something that smells really good... another mood booster).
- KY Liquid/personal lubricant because at some point you will have sex again and a little extra help can make it as comfortable as possible (it can also be helpful if you have to use a rectal thermometer on the baby).
- a yummy high fiber, high calorie treat/granola bar of some kind to remind the mama to eat up... it takes a lot of extra calories to make milk (and the fiber can help reduce the need for the suppositories).
- a note explaining the package and reminding the friend to call anytime (day or night) for unconditional love and support!!
Other things I would have included if I didn't have to ship the package:
- a water bottle... to remind the mama to stay hydrated (so crucial for nursing mamas!).
- Guinness... it helps the milk come in (and even if it doesn't actually do this, it tastes really good and helps a new mama relax a bit)!
- a few magazines... or some other brain candy for those long hours on the couch nursing a wee one.
- one or two Perineal Irrigation Bottles... I know they came in my home birth supplies and friends got them in the hospital, but these things are so so very awesome for early days when everything is healing and wiping is not an option!!
- some tea that is helpful for nursing and milk supply.
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